The Club supports the work of District 1080 with Ambassadorial Scholars and has on several occasions hosted one or two visiting students from overseas while they study at UEA.
Below are details of some of the Scholars we are currently hosting or have hosted and supported in recent years:
Currently we are hosting Aki Onodera who is our own Ambassadorial Scholar studying International Relations / Development Studies at the UEA, her Host Counsellor who is a member of our Club, is Anna Cottrell.
In addition to hosting Aki, District 1080 as a whole is "Distance Hosting" Richelieu (Rich) Allison who is the Rotary Peace Fellow from Liberia studying at Bradford University.
We supported Nao Iwashito and Keiko Isoo from Japan
We supported Akihito and Kyoko also from Japan
Akihito studied Climate Change and Development Kyoko studied Education and Development
Kyoko also helped with our Charity collection at the Castle Mall in December
more Rotarians Jim Black and Colin Rymill at Sainsbury's Longwater, Norwich.
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