
We've been recycling for years. Various items are collected by the Club, and then passed on to organizations, including the Leprosy Mission here in Peterborough, for them to re-use or turn into cash..


We collect:

Old Postcards

Coins (old British coins, old and current Foreign coins)

Used Stamps


(These items all go to the Leprosy Mission charity, based here in Peterborough.  They sell the items on to raise cash to support their work)

Used Printer Cartridges (These are sent to The David School charity, which is able to sell batches for recycling of materials and reconditioning, and so raise cash.  This supports the work of the school which educates over 400 girls and boys in Sierra Leone)

Spectacles (These are sent overseas, via Boots Chemists, and used by people who would otherwise struggle without glasses)




Marcus HorrellContact Marcus Horrell about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Rotary Choir...

The local Rotary Choir, plus children from All Saints Primary School, entertained people with dementia, and their carers, at the regular Crocus Café meet-up.


We've supported this charity for many years, by active participation, and part-funding sessions for 70 children with special educational needs. In September 2023, we launched a new craft, funded by the former Peterborough Minster Rotary Club.

Mike Oliver, from Little Miracles, and President Colin Harrison.

July 2023: We gave £500 to the Little Miracles charity, which works with children and families with additional needs. This will go towards new items for their sensory room in Queensgate.

Ladies' winner Joyce Fisher, and President 2022/23 Marcus Horrell

A fantastic £4,000 raised for the Sue Ryder Hospice at Thorpe Hall, and the charities we support. A big thank you to main sponsor Simples!

Old Postcards

We've been recycling for years. Various items are collected by the Club, and then passed on to organizations, including the Leprosy Mission here in Peterborough, for them to re-use or turn into cash..
