Literacy and the young people

Fri, Jun 27th 2014 at 12:00 am- Thu, Jul 31st 2014 - 12:00 am

Our Club with the young people

Our Club and the young people

We are involved with the young people with Rotaract, Rotakids,

Young Chef, Young Writers, Story Competition, RYLA and many more.

Special Club project is the Dolly Parton Imagination Library where we support the book giving to children from 0 to 5.




'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our Club with the young people


This is the photo archive from our club "The Rotary Club of Cleethorpes"


Rotary Club of Cleethorpes programmes with the Imagination Library


We welcome new members interested in having fun while 'giving something back' to the community. Fresh ideas and enthusiasm are the life blood of any organisation!


Our Own Charity - The Rotary Foundation


Our club has many projects overseas in South Africa, Nepal, India and many other countries.


Keeping the public aware of the Club
