2008/2009 Club News

News items for the 2008/2009 Rotary Year

Rotary Convention - Home Hosting Event

All tucking inAs part of the Rotary International Convention in Birmingham the Club hosted 36 delegates from 12 different countries to a barbecue in Chaddesley Corbett at the home of Past President Andrew and Carol Page.

The evening commenced with a visit for our guests to the 11th century St Cassian's Church in the village. Following the barbecue supper entertainment on keyboard was provided by Chris Yates, a very talented 16 year old local high school student.

Over 80 club members and guests attended this very memorable and enjoyable evening of international Rotary fellowship. Photos

Bucket Shake for Air Ambulance

President Bob with Bob Eaton and Alan

The Air Ambulance benefitted by over £1100 from a bucket shake which was held at the Club's main fund raising event at the Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb on 31st May. Club Members Bob Eaton and Alan Wood suffered from extended arms caused by the weight of coins and were glad to pass the buckets on to David Harrison from Air Ambulance at the Club meeting on 4th June. David gave members an insight into the working and the funding of the Air Ambulance service and all agreed that Bob and Alan's pain and suffering had been for a very worthwhile cause.

Beautiful weather at Shelsley Walsh meant that over 150 guests and friends attended the all day bar and barbecue which, in addition to the proceeds of the bucket shake, raised in excess of £3000 for the Club's Charity Account. Photos

Wheelchairs distributed in Romania 

Recipients of Wheelchairs

News has just been received that the final 25 wheelchairs of a recent consignment of 110 were distributed by members the Rotary Club of Pitesti on Friday 15th May.

Bewdley Club were the lead club in this project which commenced in 2007. Contributions towards the cost of the wheelchairs were received from Rotary Clubs of Stourbridge, Hagley and Droitwich Saltway and also the Rotary Club of Pitesti. Half of the cost was provided by the Wheelchair Foundation who arranged the manufacture and shipment to the Red Cross in Bucharest.

This is the second consignment of wheelchairs from Bewdley to Romania making a positive change to the lives of 390 people of all ages. More photos.

Successful Black Country Night

Bob and Bev

Over 90 people attended a very successful evening of laughter at Heightington Village Hall on 17th April when Bev Pegg and Dandy entertained with their inimitable style of humour and music.

The evening raised around £1000 for the club charity account and thanks go to Bob Hill for not only organising such a great evening but for also entertaining everyone on bass guitar..... Is there no end to his talents?

Photo shows Bob and Bev in full flow.

Visit from Ambassadorial Scholar

At our meeting on 2nd April 2009 Luiza Teixeira from Brazil, a former Rotary Exchange student and current Rotary Foundation Scholar, who is studying for a Masters Degree in Law at Warwick University, gave a thoroughly professional presentation to the Club. As well as explaining her experiences whilst in the UK Luiza gave an insight into her country and her home state of Mato Groso which was of particular interest to our guest, Sophie Allan, who is soon to spend 3 months in Brazil as a Rotary New Generations Exchange student. Sophie  will work with vets associated with the veterinary college in Maranga in order to gain valuable practical veterinary experience to enable her to get a place at the university of her choice.

Luiza, Sophie and District Ambassadorial Scholar co-ordinator,Paul Beedham, with President Bob and Foundation Chairman, Dave Drackley.

Rotary Young Photographer at Bewdley High School

There were 23 entries for the Rotary Young Photographer Competition held between pupils from  Bewdley High School on 26th February 2009. The theme of the competition was 'Make Dreams Real' and the manner in which the young photographers interpreted this in their work showed great imagination.

Local freelance photographer, Colin Hill, one of the judges, said "I am very impressed with the standard of the entries"

President Bob presented all the entrants with certificates and cash prizes to Camille the winner of the Senior prize and Jessica winner of the Intermediate prize who are shown with their prizewinning photographs.

The winning entries now go forward to the District round to be held at Knowle School on March 11th.

A warm welcome to Michel Gaud - the latest member of the Rotary Club of Bewdley 

Michel Gaud became the latest member of the Rotary Club of Bewdley when he was inducted in the presence of District Governor Peter Smith by President Bob Bayliss on Thursday 24th July.

Introduced to the Club by Junior Vice President Terry Garbett, Michel was inducted by Club President Bob Bayliss. All the members present, incuding District Governor Peter Smith, then congratulated Michel. A warm Rotary Club of Bewdley welcome is extended to Michel and Josephine. 

Otti Bunaciu and the Project Ruth Choir visit Bewdley

On Thursday 10th July, we were delighted to have a visit from Otti Bunaciu (far right) along with the choir and musicians from the Romania based Project Ruth. Hosted by Rotarian Dave Drackley, Otti updated us on the progress with the Project Ruth Schools and thanked the Rotary Club of Bewdley for their continued support. We were then wonderfully entertained by the choir and musicians who treated us to a wide selection of traditional Romanian music and song. 

More details about Project Ruth can be found at on their web site and photographs of the choir can be found here.

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