Clubs Environmental Round-up

See what many clubs in our District are already doing to protect the environment and limit climate change. What will Your club do?

Roz ScammellContact Roz Scammell about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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District 1110 Environment Action

back Here you'll find details of how Rotarians in this District are responding to Rotary's newest area of focus Supporting the Environment

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary Charitable Donations for 2022-2023

Coffee Stall at Hartlett Park, Hook

A team of Rotarians set-up a Coffee/Tea Stall on Saturday16th March to provide the parents with a hot drink as they watched their children play football. The aim of our presence at this event was to encourage local residence to help at Rotary events.


This is the latest Rotary in Wessex Newsletters for District 1110
